Not Much About Music

Music is fine fingers knocking on doors to awaken the hearts of warmth from a deep sleep. Knock fingers that make memories come back to bed, having lost in the darkness swallow. The knocking makes memories of the past is open again, after the rigorous events that always come and go.

Strains tone music tone is soft humming which is often present in the valley of the valley's imagination. If the ringing tone in the melody recite it in sorrow, it brings memories of the past in the current depressed and desperate. But if the recited at the heart happy, the music brings memories of the past in times of peace and happiness.

Strains of tone tone music is a collection of sound dumps which makes all anxiety meets the ribs, then bring a thousand sorrows. But he could also be an array of cheerful words that immediately mastered our heart, and danced merrily interrupted rib, presenting a thousand happy.

Strains of music tone is twang on the strings, which get into our hearing brings the gentle waves. Sometimes he was able to force the tears burst from the petals drop, because it was hot like a fire kindled by desire, unable to bear the restless urge of love when parting with a lover, because of the crush injury pain of love paw paw scratched waiting.

But he also brings a knot mempu smile slowly coming out of the gentle movement of a pair of beautiful lips, as a gesture of pleasure happy. Strains of musical tones is the last breath of his wits heart and breathing soul.

Reprinted from the book "Musik Dahaga Jiwa"
By Khalil Gibran